Everything You Need To Know About Odoo 17 Release

Everything You Need To Know About Odoo 17 Release



As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, Odoo 17 had not been released, and I do not have access to information beyond that date. Therefore, I cannot provide specific details about an Odoo 17 update coming soon or any features, improvements, or changes that may be included in such an update.

To get the latest information about Odoo 17 or any updates related to Odoo, I recommend visiting the official Odoo website or checking their official blog and announcements. You can also subscribe to their newsletters or follow them on social media to receive updates and notifications about new releases and updates.

Overview Of Odoo

Odoo is a powerful and versatile open-source business management software suite that provides a wide range of integrated applications and modules for various business needs. Here’s a brief overview of Odoo:

  • Modular Architecture: Odoo is designed with a modular architecture, allowing businesses to select and integrate specific modules based on their requirements. These modules cover various aspects of business operations, including sales, inventory management, CRM, accounting, human resources, e-commerce, and more.
  • All-in-One Solution: Odoo offers a comprehensive suite of applications that can help businesses streamline and automate their processes. It eliminates the need for separate software for different functions, making it a cost-effective solution.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Odoo boasts an intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it accessible to both technical and non-technical users. The dashboard provides a unified view of key business activities.
  • Customization: Odoo is highly customizable. Users can tailor the software to suit their unique business processes and industry-specific requirements. This flexibility is achieved through the use of custom fields, workflows, and reports.
  • Open Source: Being open-source means that Odoo’s source code is freely available to the public. This allows developers to modify and extend the software to meet specific business needs. It also fosters a vibrant community of developers and users who contribute to its growth.
  • Scalability: Odoo is suitable for businesses of all sizes, from small startups to large enterprises. As businesses grow, they can scale up their usage and add more modules as needed.
  • Community and Enterprise Versions: Odoo is available in two main editions: the Community Edition (free, open-source) and the Enterprise Edition (commercial). The Enterprise Edition offers additional features and support services.
  • Mobile Accessibility: Odoo offers mobile apps for iOS and Android devices, enabling users to manage their business operations on the go.
  • Integration: Odoo can integrate with other software and third-party applications, allowing businesses to connect it with their existing tools and systems.
  • Reporting and Analytics: Odoo provides reporting and analytics tools to help businesses gain insights into their performance. Users can create custom reports and dashboards.
  • E-commerce: Odoo includes e-commerce capabilities, enabling businesses to set up and manage online stores with ease.
  • Multi-Language and Multi-Currency Support: Odoo supports multiple languages and currencies, making it suitable for businesses with an international presence.
  • Community and Support: The Odoo community is active and provides forums and resources for users to seek help and share knowledge. For Enterprise Edition users, there is official support available.

Overall, Odoo is a versatile and adaptable business management solution that can be tailored to meet the specific needs of different industries and organizations. Its open-source nature, combined with its extensive range of features, makes it a popular choice for businesses looking to streamline their operations and improve efficiency.

 Features in Odoo 17

The Odoo Experience event is held every year and a new update is introduced to the community. Just like Odoo 16 was launched last year, the Odoo Experience 2023 is expected to introduce the new Odoo 17 version.

This year Odoo Event 2023 will be held in Belgium between the 8th and 10th of November, 2023. Here are a few things to expect from Odoo 17 updates!

Odoo Progressive Web App

As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, Odoo Progressive Web App (PWA) features were emerging but might not have been fully integrated into the platform. However, if Odoo has since implemented PWA capabilities, here are some general shortcuts to access PWAs on various devices:

  • Desktop Browsers:
    • Open your preferred web browser (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Edge).
    • Enter the URL of your Odoo instance.
    • If Odoo has a PWA implemented, it might prompt you to install it. Follow the on-screen instructions.
  • Mobile Browsers:
    • Open the browser on your mobile device.
    • Visit the Odoo website.
    • If Odoo has implemented PWA functionality, you might see an “Add to Home Screen” or similar option in your browser’s menu. This will create a shortcut on your home screen.
  • Android:
    • If Odoo has a PWA, it may prompt you to install it when you visit the site.
      • Alternatively, you can manually install a PWA on Android:
      • Open the Chrome browser.
      • Visit the Odoo website.
      • Tap the three-dot menu icon in the upper-right corner.
      • Select “Add to Home screen.”
  • iOS (Safari):
    • On iOS, the process for installing PWAs is a bit different due to Apple’s policies.
    • Visit the Odoo website in Safari.
    • Tap the “Share” button (it looks like a square with an arrow pointing up).
    • Scroll down and select “Add to Home Screen.”
    • Follow the prompts to create a shortcut.

Please note that the availability of PWA features and the specific steps to create shortcuts can vary depending on the version of Odoo you are using and whether they have fully integrated PWA functionality into their platform

Quick selection of records using keyboard in odoo17

To check if this feature exists in Odoo 17 or if there are third-party modules available, I recommend visiting the official Odoo documentation, exploring the Odoo app store, or checking with the Odoo community and forums for updates and add-ons that offer keyboard shortcuts for quick record selection.

Additionally, you can consider reaching out to Odoo support or consulting with Odoo experts or developers who may be able to assist you in implementing custom keyboard shortcuts for record selection if it is not already available in the default Odoo 17 interface.

Advance search view in Odoo17

Here are the general steps for using an advanced search view in Odoo:

  • Open the Module: First, access the module or application for which you want to perform an advanced search. For example, you might be in the “Sales,” “Inventory,” “Contacts,” or any other relevant module.
  • Locate the Search Icon or Option: Look for the search icon or option within the module’s interface. This is typically represented by a magnifying glass or a search bar.
  • Activate the Advanced Search View: In most cases, you can switch to the advanced search view by clicking on an option like “Advanced Search” or “Custom Search.” This will open a more comprehensive search interface.
  • Define Search Criteria: In the advanced search view, you can define complex search criteria. This may include specifying filters based on various fields, date ranges, categories, and more. You can also use logical operators like AND, OR, and NOT to combine criteria.
  • Save Custom Filters (Optional): Some versions of Odoo allow you to save custom filters or searches for quick access later. This can be useful if you frequently perform specific searches.
  • Execute the Search: After defining your search criteria, click the “Search” or “Apply” button to execute the search. Odoo will display the records that match your specified criteria.
  • Refine and Modify: You can further refine your search results by modifying the criteria or applying additional filters as needed.
  • Export or Perform Actions: Depending on the module and your permissions, you may have options to export search results, perform bulk actions, or access detailed information about the records.

Adding products from the catalogue

Operation menu in the Inventory module

To do apps for Notes in Odoo17

Revamped search View

In the latest version, users can benefit from a streamlined and efficient search method. This is achieved through the consolidation of the “Filter,” “Group by,” and “Favourites” submenus, along with the introduction of a centralized “Search” tab. These changes simplify the search process, making it more straightforward and effective for users.

Draggable Pop-ups

POS- Restaurant and Bar- preparation status.

5-digit unique code in POS receipt

Raise Hands in Meetings

Odoo has introduced a new feature that enables users to “Raise their Hand” during meetings conducted within the Odoo platform. This functionality allows participants to indicate their intention to speak or ask a question by virtually raising their hand. By utilizing this feature, users can effectively participate in meetings, ensuring better engagement and smoother communication among attendees. The “Raise Your Hand” feature enhances collaboration and facilitates more structured and organized discussions within Odoo meetings.

Select Multiple Records from a Single Click


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