Types Of Model In Odoo

Types Of Model In Odoo

Types Of Model In Odoo :

Odoo is an open-source ERP system that provides a wide range of business applications, including modules for accounting, inventory management, sales, purchase, HR, and more. Odoo supports different types of models to represent different types of data.

  1. Base Models: These are the basic models that are used to represent the data in Odoo. Examples of base models are “res.partner” for representing customers and suppliers, “product.product” for representing products, “account.invoice” for representing invoices, etc.
  2. Inherited Models: These models are created by inheriting from base models. Inherited models inherit all the fields and methods of the base model and can add new fields and methods or override the existing ones. This helps in reusing the existing code and makes customization easier.
  3. Abstract Models: These models are not meant to be instantiated, and they cannot be used to store data. Instead, they are used as a blueprint for creating other models. Abstract models define common fields and methods that are used by several other models.
  4. Transient Models: These models are used to store temporary data that is not meant to be persisted in the database. Transient models are used to store data that needs to be processed in the current session only, and the data is discarded once the session is over.
  5. Report Models: These models are used to generate reports in Odoo. Report models define the structure of the report and the data that is required to generate the report. Report models are used in conjunction with QWeb templates to generate reports.
  6. Wizard Models: These models are used to create wizards that guide the user through a series of steps to perform a specific task. Wizard models define the structure of the wizard and the data that is required to perform the task. Once the user completes the wizard, the data is saved in the database.

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