How To Create Custom Module In Odoo16

How To Create Custom Module In Odoo16


How To Create Custom Module In Odoo16

To create a custom module in Odoo 16, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a new directory for your Odoo16  by the name of Custom_addons. The inside of  Custom_addons  we can create a Custom Module and and the directory for your custom module should be named according to your module’s name.
  2. Within your  Hospital Management module , create a manifest file named with the following content


    ‘name’: ‘Hospital Management’,

    ‘version’: ‘1.2’,

    ‘category’: ‘Hospital Management System’,

    ‘author’: ‘pythonpowers’,


    ‘sequence’: -100,

    ‘summary’: ‘HMS’,

    ‘description’: “””

This module contains all the common features of Hospital Managent System.


    ‘depends’: [],

    ‘data’: [],


    ‘demo’: [],



    ‘installable’: True,

    ‘assets’: {



This file provides basic metadata for your module, including its name, version, summary, description, and dependencies.


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