Human Resource Management With Odoo


Human Resource Management With Odoo

Odoo human resource management module is a comprehensive package to meet all your HRrelated needs. It can manage the functions from Recruiting to, Employee Information
Management, to Attendance and Leave management, Payroll, Expense, and Timesheet
management. You have to install following apps from Odoo apps to enable HR management

Employee Directory 

This application allows you to create and manage the employee directory of your organization.
You can create your organization’s department hierarchy and add employees under different
department matching your organization’s structure. Employee contract details are configured
using this module. So this is the base of HR module.


Employee attendance can be managed by installing this module. There are different attendance
marking options available with Odoo. You can also add hardware for attendance marking. The
module is integrated with Payroll, Leave Management, and Timesheet so that it provides a
consistent attendance tracking mechanism.

Leave Management 

Integrated with attendance, Payroll, and Timesheet, Leave Management allows the
administrator to take efficient decisions on employee leave request.


Odoo Payroll makes the complexity of payroll management simpler. You can create simple and
complex salary structure based on salary rules. This salary structure can be applied to employee
contract to generate monthly payment slip. From Odoo store you can also download custom
payrolls for easy management.

Expense Management 

Expense management module enables management of expenses occurred to employees. The
employee can submit their expenses and appropriate officers can take actions on such requests

Timesheet Management 

It is another efficient module to manage timesheets of each employee. This is generally used for
efficient management of projects or tasks.


You can automate and monitor all recruitment with this module. Recruitment stages, criteria,
qualifications etc. can be configured with this module. You can install Online Jobs app to
channelize recruitment via your website.

There are some more other useful apps and plugins that you can find in Odoo App store.

Some of the features  of the Odoo HRM module is 

. Manage

Create employee profiles 

Gather all information concerning each employee at one place.

Manage contracts 

Keep track of your employees’ status, job titles, contract type and dates, and their

Manage timesheets 

Create weekly and monthly timesheets and follow the time spent by your employees
on projects.

Handle attendance

Keep the track of your employees’ presence at work. HR managers can easily report
employees’ monthly presence with the menu entry and state.

Manage leaves 

Manage holidays, legal leaves and sick days.


Get a dashboard per manager.


Enterprise social network 

Follow employees and documents, join discussion groups, share files, and chat in real


Design challenges, goals and rewards with clear targets and objectives to drive
engagement and reward your employees’ performance.

System Users:- 

Basically there are three types of users in HR management process

Employee: – Normal employee of office. He can mark his attendance, access the tasks assigned
to him, manage his timesheet and perform other tasks associated with him.

Officer:- A higher level employee who has better powers and access rights like sanction leave,
sanction time sheet etc.

Manager: – Manager who control and configure every procedure in HR module. Complete control
over all level.

Attendance Management 

Odoo HR management includes attendance module which manages employee’s attendance.
Attendances are recorded according to the Check in/ Check Out actions. After installing
attendance module from Odoo apps, we can see a new menu named Attendances

Attendance Entry

Basically there are three ways to mark attendance

  Direct login and mark attendance 

 Admin Make manual check in and check out entry 

 Kiosk Mode 

  Direct login and mark attendance 

Since system login credentials are generally available to officer level employees this attendance
marking facility is available only for those employees who have a system login Username
and Password. They can login to the system and mark their attendance from Attendance menu

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