Session Management in Django


Session Management:

1) Client and Server can communicate with some common 

     language which is nothing but HTTP.

2) The basic limitation of HTTP is, it is stateless protocol. 

    i.e it is unable to remember. client information for future

    purpose across multiple requests. Every request to the

    server is treated as new request.

3) Hence some mechanism must be required at server side 

   to remember client information across multiple requests.

  This mechanism is nothing but session

   management mechanism.

4) The following are various session management mechanisms.

                      1) Cookies

                      2) Session API

                      3) URL Rewriting

                      4) Hidden Form Fields etc

Session Management By using Cookies:

Cookie is a very small amount of information created by Server 

 and maintained by client. 

Whenever client sends a request to the server,if server 

wants to remember client information for the future 

purpose then server will create cookie object with the 

required information. Server will send that Cookie 

object to the client as the part of response. Client will 

save that cookie in its local machine and send to the server 

with every consecutive request. By accessing cookies from 

the request server can remember client  information. 

How to Test our Browser Supports Cookies OR not:

We have to use the following 3 methods on the request object.

       1) set_test_cookie()

      2) test_cookie_worked()

      3) delete_test_cookie()

1) from django .shortcuts import render

2) from django .http import HttpResponse


4) #Create your views here.

5) def index(request):

6)       request.session.set_test_cookie()

7)       return HttpResponse(‘<h1>index Page</h1>’)


9) def check_view(request):

10)    if request.session.test_cookie_worked():

11).    print(‘cookies are working properly’)

12)     request.session.delete_test_cookie()

13)     return HttpResponse(‘<h1>Checking Page</h1>’)


Session Management by using Cookies

                 (PageCount Application) 

1) from django .shortcuts import render


3) #Create your views here.

4) def count_view(request):

5)      if ‘count’ in request.COOKIES:

6)      newcount=int(request.COOKIES[‘count’])+1

7)      else:

8)      newcount=1

9)      response=render(request,‘testapp/count.html’,{‘count’:newcount})

10)    response.set_cookie(‘count’,newcount)

11)     return response


1) <!DOCTYPEhtml>

2) <htmllang=“en”dir=“ltr”>

3) <head>

4) <meta charset=“utf-8”>

5) <title></title>

6) <style >

7) span{

8) font-size: 200px;

9) font-weight: 900;

10) }


12) </style>

13) </head>

14) <body>

15) <h1>Page Count is: <span> {{count}}<span></h1>

16) </body>

17) </html>


Session Management by using Cookies

1) from django .shortcuts import render

2) from testapp .forms import LoginForm

3) import datetime


5) #Createyourviewshere.

6) def home_view(request):

7)      form=LoginForm()

8)      return render(request,‘testapp/home.html’,{‘form’:form})


10) def date_time_view(request):

11) # form=LoginForm(request.GET)

12)     name=request.GET[‘name’]

13)     response=render(request,‘testapp/datetime.html’,{‘name’:name})

14)    response.set_cookie(‘name’,name)

15)   return response


17) def result_view(request):

18)      name=request.COOKIES[‘name’]


20)    my_dict={‘name’:name,‘date_time’:date_time}

21)   return render(request,‘testapp/result.html’,my_dict)


1) <!DOCTYPEhtml>

2) <htmllang=“en”dir=“ltr”>

3) <head>

4) <meta charset=“utf-8”>

5) <title></title>

6) </head>

7) <body>

8) <h1>Welcome to Pythonpower</h1>

9) <form action=“/second”>

10) {{form.as_p}}

11) {%csrf_token%}

12) <input type=“submit” name=“” value=“Enter Name”>

13) </form>

14) </body>

15) </html>


1) <!DOCTYPEhtml>

2) <htmllang=“en”dir=“ltr”>

3) <head>

4) <meta charset=“utf-8”>

5) <title></title>

6) </head>

7) <body>

8) <h1>Hello {{name}}</h1> <hr>

9) <a href=“/result”>Click Here to get Date and Time</a>

10) </body>

11) </html>


1) <!DOCTYPEhtml>

2) <htmllang=“en”dir=“ltr”>

3) <head>

4) <meta charset=“utf-8”>

5) <title></title>

6) </head>

7) <body>

8) <h1>Hello {{name}}</h1><hr>

9) <h1>Current Date and Time:{{date_time}}</h1>

10) <a href=“/result”>Click Here to get Updated Date and Time</a>

11) </body>

12) </html>


Session Management by using Cookies 

1) from django .shortcuts import render


3) #Create your views here.

4) def name_view(request):

5)      return render(request,‘testapp/name.html’)


7) def age_view(request):

8)      name=request.GET[‘name’]

9)      response=render(request,‘testapp/age.html’,{‘name’:name})

10)    response.set_cookie(‘name’,name)

11)    return response


13) def  gf_view(request):

14)       age=request.GET[‘age’]

15)      name=request.COOKIES[‘name’]

16)     response=render(request,‘testapp/gf.html’,{‘name’:name})

17)     response.set_cookie(‘age’,age)

18)     return response


20) def results_view(request):

21)       name=request.COOKIES[‘name’]

22)       age=request.COOKIES[‘age’]

23)      gfname=request.GET[‘gfname’]

24)     response=render(request,‘testapp/results.html’,{‘name’:name,‘age’:age,


25)     response.set_cookie(‘gfname’,gfname)

26)     return response


1) <!DOCTYPEhtml>

2) <htmllang=“en”dir=“ltr”>

3) <head>

4) <meta charset=“utf-8”>

5) <title></title>

6) </head>

7) <body>

8) <h1>Welcome to Pythonpower</h1>

9) <form action=‘/age’>

10) Enter Name: <input type=“text” name=“name” value=“”><br><br>

11) <input type=“submit” name=“” value=“Submit Name”>

12) </form>

13) </body>

14) </html>


1) <!DOCTYPEhtml>

2) <htmllang=“en”dir=“ltr”>

3) <head>

4) <meta charset=“utf-8”>

5) <title></title>

6) </head>

7) <body>

8) <h1>Hello {{name}}..</h1><hr>

9) <form action=‘/gf’>

10) Enter Age: <input type=“text” name=“age” value=“”><br><br>

11) <input type=“submit” name=“” value=“Submit Age”>

12) </form>

13) </body>

14) </html>


1) <!DOCTYPEhtml>

2) <htmllang=“en”dir=“ltr”>

3) <head>

4) <meta charset=“utf-8”>

5) <title></title>

6) </head>

7) <body>
8) <h1>Hello {{name}}..</h1><hr>

9) <form action=‘/results’>

10) Enter Girl Friend Name: <input type=“text” name=“gfname” value=“”><br><br>

11) <input type=“submit” name=“” value=“Submit GFName”>
12) </form>

13) </body>

14) </html>


1) <!DOCTYPEhtml>

2) <htmllang=“en”dir=“ltr”>

3) <head>

4) <meta charset=“utf-8”>

5) <title></title>

6) </head>

7) <body>

8) <h1>Hello {{name}} Thanks for providing info</h1>

9) <h2>Please cross check your data and confirm</h2><hr>

10) <ul>

11) <li>Name:{{name}}</li>

12) <li>Age:{{age}}</li>

13) <li>Girl Friend Name:{{gfname}}</li>

14) </ul>

15) </body>

16) </html>

Limitations of Cookies:

1) By using cookies we can store very less amount 

   of information. The size of the cookie is fixed.

   Hence if we want to store huge amount of 

   information then cookie is not best choice.

2) Cookie can hold only string information. 

  If we want to store non-string objects 

  then we should not use cookies.

3) Cookie information is stored at client side and

     hence there is no security.

4) Everytime with every request, browser will 

   send all cookies related to that application,

   which creates network traffic problems.

5) There is a limit on the max number of cookies

   supported by browser.

Temporary vs Permanent Cookies:

1) If we are not setting any max_age for the cookie,then 

  the  cookies will be stored in browsers cache.Once we 

  closed browser automatically the cookies will be 

expired.Such  type of cookies are called temporary Cookies.

2)We can set temporary Cookie as follows:


3) If we are setting max_age for the cookie,then cookies 

will. be stored in local file system. permanently.Once 

the specified  max_age expires then only cookies will

 be. expired.Such type  of cookies are called 

permanent or persistent cookies. We can set

Permanent Cookies as follows

    # response.set_cookie(name,value,max_age=180)

    # response.set_cookie(name,value,180) 

4) The time unit for max_age is in seconds. 

Application-4 Session Management by using Cookies

                         (Shopping Cart Application) 

1) from django .shortcuts import render

2) from testapp .forms import ItemAddForm


4) #Createyourviewshere.

5) def index(request):

6)     return render(request,‘testapp/home.html’)

7) def additem(request):

8)     form=ItemAddForm()

9)     response=render(request,‘testapp/additem.html’,{‘form’:form})

10)   if request.method==‘POST’:

11)     form=ItemAddForm(request.POST)

12)       if form.is_valid():

13)         name=form.cleaned_data[‘itemname’]

14)       quantity=form.cleaned_data[‘quantity’]

15)       response.set_cookie(name,quantity,180)

16) # return index(request)

17)     return response

18) def displayitem_view(request):

19)        return render(request,‘testapp/showitems.html’)


1) <!DOCTYPEhtml>

2) <htmllang=“en”dir=“ltr”>

3) <head>

4) <meta charset=“utf-8”>

5) <!– Latest compiled and minified CSS –>

6) <linkrel=“stylesheet”href=“https://maxcdn.

s/bootstrap.min.css” integrity=“sha384- 


Ucww7on3RYdg4Va+PmSTsz/K68vbdEjh4u” c


7) <title></title>

8) </head>

9) <body>

10) <div class=“container” align=‘center’>

11) <div class=“jumbotron”>

12) <h1>pythonpower ONLINE SHOPPING APP</h1>

13) <a class=“btn btn-primary btn-lg” href=“/add”

role=“button”>ADD ITEM</a>

14) <a class=“btn btn-primary btn-lg” href=“/display”

role=“button”>Display ITEMS</a>
15) </div>

16) </div>

17) </body>

18) </html>


1) <!DOCTYPEhtml>

2) <htmllang=“en”dir=“ltr”>

3) <head>

4) <meta charset=“utf-8”>

5) <title></title>

6) <link rel=“stylesheet” href=“https://maxcdn.

/css/bootstrap.min.css” integrity=“sha384- 




7) </head>

8) <body>

9) <div class=“container” align=‘center’>

10) <h1>Add Item Form</h1>

11) <form method=“post”>

12) {{form.as_p}}

13) {%csrf_token%}

14) <input type=“submit” name=“” value=“Add Item”>

15) </form><br><br><br>

16) <a class=“btn btn-primary btn-lg” href=“/display”

role=“button”>Display ITEMS</a>

17) </div>

18) </body>

19) </html>


1) <!DOCTYPEhtml>

2) <htmllang=“en”dir=“ltr”>

3) <head>

4) <meta charset=“utf-8”>

5) <title></title>

6) </head>

7) <body>

8) <h1>Total Cookies Information:</h1>

9) {%if request.COOKIES %}

10) <table border=2>

11) <thead>

12) <th>Cookie Name</th>

13) <th>Cookie Value</th>

14) </thead>

15) {% for key,value in request.COOKIES.items %}

16) <tr>

17) <td>{{key}}</td>

18) <td>{{value}}</td>

19) </tr>

20) {% endfor %}

21) </table>

22) {%else%}

23) <p>Cookie Information is not available</p>

24) {%endif%}

25) </body>

26) </html>

Session Management By using Session API

(Django Session Framework):


# Once client sends request to the server,if server wants to remember client information

for the future purpose then server will create session object and store required

information in that object. For every session object a unique identifier available which

is nothing but sessionid.

# Server sends the corresponding session id to the client as the part of response. Client

retrieves the session id from the response and save in the local file system. With every

consecutive request client will that session id. By accessing that session id and

corresponding session object server can remember client. This mechanism is nothing

but session management by using session api. 

Note: Session information will be stored in one of following possibilities

1. Inside a File

2. Inside a database

3. Inside Cache

The most straight forward approach is to use django.contrib.sessions application to store

session information in a Django Model/database.

The Model Name is: django.contrib.sessions.models.Session

NoteTo use this approach compulsory the following applicaiton should be configured

inside INSTALLED_APPS list of file.


If it is not there then we can add, but we have to synchronize database

python syncdb










Useful Methods for Session Management:

1) request.session[‘key’] = value

To Add Data to the Session.

2) value = request.session[‘key’]

To get Data from the Session

3) request.session.set_expiry(seconds)

Sets the expiry Time for the Session.

4) request.session.get_expiry_age()

Returns the expiry age in seconds(the number of seconds until this session expire)

5) request.session.get_expiry_date()

Returns the data on which this session will expire

Note: Before using session object in our application, compulsory we have to migrate.

Otherwise we will get the following error.

no such table: django_session 


Session Management by using Session

API (PageCount Application) 

1) from django .shortcuts import render


3) #Createyourviewshere.

4) def page_count_view(request):

5)      count=request.session.get(‘count’,0)

6)      newcount=count+1

7)     request.session[‘count’]=newcount

8)     print(request.session.get_expiry_age())

9)     print(request.session.get_expiry_date())

10)   return render(request,‘testapp/pagecount.html’,{‘count’:newcount})


1) <!DOCTYPEhtml>

2) <htmllang=“en”dir=“ltr”>

3) <head>

4) <meta charset=“utf-8”>

5) <title></title>

6) <style >

7) span{

8) font-size: 300px;
9) }

10) </style>

11) </head>

12) <body>

13) <h1>The Page Count:<span>{{count}}</span></h1>

14) </body>

15) </html>



Session Management by using Session

API ( Profile Application) 

1) from django import forms

2) class NameForm(forms.Form):

3)         name=forms.CharField()


5) class AgeForm(forms.Form):

6)         age=forms.IntegerField()


8) class GFForm(forms.Form):

9)        gf=forms.CharField() 

1) from django .shortcuts import render

2) from testapp .forms import *


4) #Createyourviewshere.

5) def name_view(request):

6)      form=NameForm()

7)      return render(request,‘testapp/name.html’,{‘form’:form})


9) def age_view(request):

10)    name=request.GET[‘name’]

11)   request.session[‘name’]=name

12)   form=AgeForm()

13)   return render(request,‘testapp/age.html’,{‘form’:form})


15) def gf_view(request):

16)     age=request.GET[‘age’]

17)    request.session[‘age’]=age

18)    form=GFForm()

19)    return render(request,‘testapp/gf.html’,{‘form’:form})


21) def results_view(request):

22)      gf=request.GET[‘gf’]

23)     request.session[‘gf’]=gf

24)    return render(request,‘testapp/results.html’)


1) <!DOCTYPEhtml>

2) <htmllang=“en”dir=“ltr”>

3) <head>

4) <meta charset=“utf-8”>

5) <title></title>

6) </head>

7) <body>

8) <h1>Name Registration Form</h1><hr>

9) <form action=“/age” >

10) {{form}}

11) {%csrf_token%}<br><br>

12) <input type=“submit” name=“” value=“Submit Name”>

13) </form>

14) </body>

15) </html>



1) <!DOCTYPEhtml>

2) <htmllang=“en”dir=“ltr”>

3) <head>

4) <meta charset=“utf-8”>

5) <title></title>

6) </head>

7) <body>

8) <h1>Age Registration Form</h1><hr>

9) <form action=“/gf” >

10) {{form}}

11) {%csrf_token%}<br><br>

12) <input type=“submit” name=“” value=“Submit Age”>

13) </form>

14) </body>

15) </html>


1) <!DOCTYPEhtml>

2) <htmllang=“en”dir=“ltr”>

3) <head>

4) <meta charset=“utf-8”>

5) <title></title>

6) </head>

7) <body>

8) <h1>Girl Friend Registration Form</h1><hr>

9) <form action=“/results” >

10) {{form}}

11) {%csrf_token%}<br><br>

12) <input type=“submit” name=“” value=“Submit GF Info”>

13) </form>

14) </body>

15) </html>


1) <!DOCTYPEhtml>

2) <htmllang=“en”dir=“ltr”>

3) <head>

4) <meta charset=“utf-8”>

5) <title></title>

6) </head>

7) <body>

8) {%if request.session %}

9) <h1>Thanks for providing information..Plz confirm once</h1>

10) <ul>

11) {%for key,value in request.session.items %}

12) <li> <h2>{{key|upper}}: {{value|title}}</h2> </li>

13) {%endfor%}

14) </ul>

15) {%else%}

16) <p>No Information available</p>

17) {%endif%}

18) </body>

19) </html>


Session Management by using Session

API ( Shopping Cart Application) 


2)     ‘default’: {

3)     ‘ENGINE’: ‘django.db.backends.mysql’,

4)     ‘NAME’: ’employeedb’,

5)    ‘USER’:‘root’,

6)    ‘PASSWORD’:‘root’

7)       }

8)   } 

1) from django import forms

2) class AddItemForm(forms.Form):

3)       name=forms.CharField()

4)      quantity=forms.IntegerField() 

1) from django .shortcuts import render

2) from testapp .forms import*


4) #Createyourviewshere.

5) def add_item_view(request):

6)      form=AddItemForm()

7)      if request.method==‘POST’:

8)          name=request.POST[‘name’]

9)         quantity=request.POST[‘quantity’]

10)       request.session[name]=quantity

11)      return render(request,‘testapp/additem.html’,{‘form’:form})


13) def display_items_view(request):

14)      return render(request,‘testapp/displayitems.html’)


1) <!DOCTYPEhtml>

2) <htmllang=“en”dir=“ltr”>

3) <head>

4) <meta charset=“utf-8”>

5) <title></title>

6) <link rel=“stylesheet” href=“https://maxcdn.

bootstrap.min.css” integrity=“sha384-




7) </head>

8) <body>

9) <div class=“container” align=‘center’>

10) <h1>Add Item Form</h1>

11) <form method=‘POST’>

12) {{form.as_p}}

13) {%csrf_token%}

14) <input type=“submit” name=“” value=“Add Item”>

15) </form><br><br><br>

16) <a class=“btn btn-primary btn-lg”

href=“/display” role=“button”>Display ITEMS</a>

17) </div>

18) </body>

19) </html>


1) <!DOCTYPEhtml>

2) <htmllang=“en”dir=“ltr”>

3) <head>

4) <meta charset=“utf-8”>

5) <title></title>

6) </head>

7) <body>

8) <h1>Your Shopping Cart Information:</h1>

9) {%if request.session %}

10) <table border=2>

11) <thead>

12) <th>Item Name</th>

13) <th>Quantity</th>

14) </thead>

15) {% for key,value in request.session.items %}

16) <tr>

17) <td>{{key}}</td>

18) <td>{{value}}</td>

19) </tr>

20) {% endfor %}

21) </table>

22) {%else%}

23) <p>No Items in your shopping cart</p>

24) {%endif%}

25) </body>

26) </html>

Important Methods related to Session:

1) set_expiry(time_in_seconds)

. If we are not performing any operation on the session

 specified amount of time (max inactive interval) 

then session will be expired automatically.


. If we set 0 as argument, then the session will expire

 once we closed browser.

   2) get_expiry_date()


Note: We can observer that 0 value and 120 values

 are perfectly working in our application

1) if request.method==‘POST’:

2)      name=request.POST[‘name’]

3)      quantity=request.POST[‘quantity’]

4)     request.session[name]=quantity

5)    request.session.set_expiry(0)

How to Delete Session Data:

del request.session[sessionkey]

    for key in request.session.keys():

   del request.session[key]

In File




request.session.modified = True 

Browser Length Sessions and Persistent Sessions

1) If the session information stored inside browsers cache 

such type of sessions are called

browser length sessions.

2) If the session information stored persistently inside 

file/database/cache, such type of

sessions are called Persistent sessions.

Note: By default sessions are persistent sessions. 



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